A sneak peek of our past year at JEMS!

JEMS Hebrew School

Our goal at JEMS is that the children are left with positive feelings and fond memories of their Jewish education. Our program is thus carefully blended with songs, games, incentives, crafts, family celebrations and other exciting activities.

We will explore the Torah and gain an understanding of our practices and traditions. We will be learning about every holiday as it approaches in a fun and hands-on way and the children will be mastering Hebrew skills of reading and writing.

JEMS is a place where children will attain a strong sense of Judaism and a pride in being Jewish.

To ensure that each child receives te proper care and attention that they deserve, we will be capping our classes at 12 students. 

If you would like to learn more about JEMS please let us know by filling out this form and we will contact you.

To register for our JEMS Hebrew School , please follow the instructions below:

1. Complete the registration form by clicking here

2. Complete payment by clicking here

September 10, 2023 - May 19, 2024